Brandon....always our pride and joy! Our much beloved first grandchild!

Created by chuckshirleybl 11 years ago
How fondly we recollect the day that our first grandchild, Brandon Lee, entered this old world...September 7, 1976...a centennial year! Instantly we became proud grandparents, brothers became proud uncles and a great grandmother, Helen Dowling, became a proud doting great grandmother of her first great grandchild. We can still see her "holding and cuddling him".....and thanking the Lord for this wonderful child that He had gifted us with. We know she was the first to greet Brandon as he entered Heaven's portals and we know she gave him the "royal" treatment. Brandon stayed with her a few times when he was a toddler....she so enjoyed his company. One weekend, while great grandma was preparing a Sunday family dinner for all of us....she gave Brandon a screw driver to keep him occupied in the kitchen while she prepared the meal. Unbeknownst to great grandma, Brandon crawled under the little table where she was placing the prepared dishes....Brandon used his little screwdriver to unscrew some of the screws and promptly the table (and all ingredients on it) went to the floor. Great grandma learned quickly that Brandon was filled with inquisitiveness and ingenuity and was quick to help in any situation! :-)! She loved him sooooo much as we did....he was the epitome of a perfect grandchild....telephoned at least once a week (when he could) and can still hear him say "Howdy, howdy, are you, Grandma and Grandpa?" When we get to Heaven the first person we are going to look for is our Brandon.....and hear him greet us with the words "howdy, howdy, howdy" will be so worth it all. We love you, Brandon, and thank you for gifting us, too, with our precious Nicole whom we will love and treasure forever....lots more to tell but another time..our verse for you is "Well done, great and faithful servant" you have gone on to your reward. :-)!