It was always fun

Created by NK 11 years ago
There are so many stories to tell about Brandon. I was thinking about how Brandon hated putting more than a half tank of gas in the car. He would run it down to below the red line. It made me crazy. So once, we were driving home and the day before I had said we needed to stop for gas. Brandon had decided no it was fine. We were going up this hill on a 4 lane road and the car stops and starts rolling backwards into traffic. Brandon of course started freaking out and was going back and forth between hitting the brakes and letting it roll. Traffic is honking and going around us. We finally backed the car into a side street and later that night, in the rain, walked to get gas. Since that time, he always kept over a half tank in the car. The thing with Brandon he had this way of making things fun no matter what we were doing. That night it was windy and pouring rain, we had a great time together. We got hot cocco and the gas and walked and had a blast. He could always make me laugh, always. We had a Christmas when Brandon had picked me up and we got home and there was no power. We couldn't cook food or even see the gifts we were opening. It is however one of the best memories I have of Christmas with him. We had a great time eating cold twice baked potatoes and greasy fast food. We drove around looking at lights and played cards by candlelight. Instead of dwelling on the bad part of whatever was going on, we would make it work. And usually have an amazing time. We were always getting ready to have an adventure or leaving with a great story. He lived such a full life and had great adventures and great stories. He was such a great guy who taught me so much about enjoying life. I love him and miss him with all my heart...nicole