
Created by NK 11 years ago
Brandon and I were opposite in a lot of ways but always balanced each other. I was more scheduled and needed a routine and he was more fly by the seat of your pants...whatever happens, happens. The last few years though, we somewhat reversed roles. I became the risk taker and the roll with it person and he needed a plan before he would do anything. It makes me laugh, because I taught him to be organized and to plan and he taught me to roll with it and just see what happens. We taught each other a lot. He has changed the way I view myself, my life. He has taught me more than I ever realized. He would always tell me that I could find the positive in any situation. He could find the positive in any person. It was as though he could see what the person wanted to be...not who they were, not where they lived...but what they aspired to. It was an amazing quality that I have never seen another person possess. We both learned that together we could achieve anything we put our heads and hearts to. I know he became who and what he wanted to be and he never lost sight of who he was to start out. He was just Brandon. The down to earth happy guy who was making my mom an alien hat. The guy who would try to convince me bigfoot was out there hiding. The guy who always let me know I was so loved by him with no conditions. So many people did not really get him but for those of us who did, our lives will never be the same. He gave so much to so many people and I don't even think he knew that. He is terribly missed every day and so so loved....nicole